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Looking for acupuncture treatment a convenient distance from Yeovil, Dorset?

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Dr Mehrdad Bordbar

  As a General Practitioner and Certified Medical Acupuncturist based in Poundbury, I am dedicated to providing an integrative approach to healthcare. By combining traditional Western medicine with complementary therapies, I aim to tailor treatment plans to meet each patient's individual needs. Medical Acupuncture, in particular, has proven to be a valuable tool in addressing pain, stress, and promoting overall well-being.

Our Specialised Acupuncture Areas of Treatment

Migraine and headaches

Musculoskeletal pain

Stress and anxiety


Menopause related hot flushes

Low back pain and sciatica

Overactive bladder syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome

Fertility and Women's Health

Fertility acupuncture near me Yeovil, Acupuncture near me fertility Yeovil, Fertility acupuncture Yeovil, Acupuncture fertility Yeovil, Acupuncture IVF Yeovil, IVF acupuncture Yeovil, Acupuncture with IVF Yeovil, Acupuncture for fertility success Yeovil, Acupuncture for fertility treatment Yeovil, Acupuncture sites for fertility Yeovil, Acupuncture for sciatica Yeovil, Acupuncture for sciatica treatment Yeovil, Acupuncture sciatica treatment Yeovil, Acupuncture for a pinched nerve Yeovil, Acupuncture for trapped nerve Yeovil, Acupuncture for pinched nerves Yeovil, Acupuncture for trapped nerves Yeovil, Trapped nerve acupuncture Yeovil, Acupuncture for disc herniation Yeovil, Acupuncture for back pain sciatica Yeovil, Leg pain acupuncture Yeovil, Acupuncture for migraine Yeovil, Acupuncture for migraines Yeovil, Acupuncture for headache Yeovil, Acupuncture for cluster headache Yeovil, Headache acupuncture Yeovil, Headaches acupuncture Yeovil, Acupuncture for vestibular migraine Yeovil

How to get here

Poundbury is a 30-minute drive from Yeovil down the A37. 

The Poundbury Clinic
Middlemarsh St, Poundbury, Dorchester DT1 3FD

There is ample off-road parking available

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